Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Today is my Daughters Birthday!

I just can't believe my youngest girl is  18! It just kills me. I love her so much that I don't want her getting  Anyhow ... Here is my Day 30 Thankful Scrap and A special one for Sue-Ann!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Scrap-booking Friends!

My scrap-booking friends are priceless. With out them I couldn't have changed the look on my page. It may not be perfect but I am still learning. I truly appreciate all you have done for me, especially your suggestions.
Thank you very much!!!

Days 24-29

As you can see I have been faithful in my Thankful Scraps. I have really enjoyed being able to show you what I am truly thankful for. There are more things that I could have sone a scrap for but ran out of days for. So keep an eye out and I will be adding more here and there.
I am going to try and post more also. I am looking forward to sharing more of my passion and my family with you.
Thanks  for stopping by!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

For a Thankful Challenge

As you can imagine this one was a bit hard to do since I have been posting all month. So I hope you like what I did! : )

Day 16-23

I realize some I goofed on the numbering. But trust me I am right.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

If you are looking....

If you are here and looking you must be
I just post pics of my scrap-booking every so often. Sometimes I even forget I have a blog... Oops!
Scrap-booking is my new passion. I wish this was all I had to worry about! : )

More thankfulness

I am so Thankful!